Sunday, October 4, 2009

Secrets, Secrets, are no fun...

It has been revealed that
Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, the Iranian president who has repeatedly attacked Jews, has a Jewish background. He has not only questioned whether Israel should exist or not, but he has denied that the Holocaust happened as well. I am suprised, yet I am not at the same time. It makes sense that if he wants to hide his past so badly from the public, he would openly curse Jews.
We saw the same thing with Hitler, he might have some Jewish ancestry as well. I want to say that it's ironic, but I think it is something much deeper than that. I don't know exactly what to think, but this man has something in common with Hitler that could definitely lead to violence. The world appeased Hitler and that seems to be happening with everyone's passiveness to Ahmedinijad. 
Frankly, it really frightens me: could another holocaust be attempted? Would the United States do anything?

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