Thursday, October 8, 2009

New Jersey has got the right idea...

This video features one air conditioning company that was struggling with business. New Jersey at the time was pushing to weatherize homes. The video doesn't specify what weatherizing is, but I gathered that it is a type of insulation to keep houses cool in the summer and warm in the winter, using less AC and heat. This AC company profited from this by starting a new branch that was specifically for weatherizing homes. New Jersey was offering tax rebates for those who weatherized their homes, bothe consumers and businesses. In this case, the push by the state to "go green" created jobs, and profited both the business and the consumer.
This is something that all states should begin doing. By offering small tax cuts to people who drive cars with better mileage or use energy efficient appliances, we could really jump start the green movement in a new way that New Jersey has found to be successful.

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