Thursday, October 8, 2009

Are you convicted? Don't like jail? Try Drug Court, today!

Something that democrats and republicans have both supported is drug court. In simple terms, drug court is a program that non-violent convicted drug used can opt into instead of prison. This program involves multiple drug tests a week, weekly appearances in front of a judge, and counseling sessions. Personally I think this is an excellent program, and Obama is putting a lot of funding into it, about 118 million is planned to go to drug courts in 2010.
The courts were able to save around 1 million dollars in prison and law enforcement funds because of drug court. The only critique seems to be that there should be more drug courts, and a wider range of criminals should be included in the program.
They are also proven to work- approximately 13% of people that go through the program go back to using drugs. On the other hand, out of those who went to jail for similar drug related crimes, 32% started using again.

This is a wise funding choice on Obama's part because he is showing that he still pays attention to "the little things".

1 comment:

  1. A,
    Get your fonts consistent and use spaces between paragraphs. This makes things easier on your readers.
