Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Americans Have Possibly Overstayed Their "Welcome" in Iraq

In Kirkuk, Iraq, American Troops are silently continuing their work. Daily they search houses for weapons, and check peoples ID's. They have made a few arrests lately, all people believed to be in some terrorist group. So we may be helping keep things calm, but does the city really need us?
"If you compare the operations by terrorists in 2007 with 2009, you will see a decrease in the percentage of attacks by terrorists by more than 80%."
So, for whatever reason, attacks are decreasing greatly. Perhaps it is because of the U.S. troops present, perhaps not. I think it would be really interesting to see what would happen in Iraq as soon as all troops left. People certainly are irritated that the troops have said they would leave, and haven't yet, so clearly they think the U.S. doesn't need troops in Kirkuk.
To me, it seems to risky to just leave and let the Arabs and Kurds start fighting. America wants this place to be safe and calm. Whether it has to do with the people, or the oil under their feet... I'm just not sure.

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