Wednesday, October 14, 2009

NY State Court Hears Appeals on Gay Marriage

Mr. Raum argues that out of state gay marriages aren't legitimate in New York.

If you are a regular reader of my postings, (cough cough, seven subscribers) then you know that gay rights is something that I post about a lot because I feel strongly about it. Anyways, this particular article I read was specific to New York law. Basically, they're questioning whether the marriages of Gay Couples married outside New York should be considered legitimate once they're in New York. 
In one of the cases, opponents of same-sex marriage are challenging a 2007 policy, adopted by the State Department of Civil Service, that extended health insurance benefits to the same-sex partners of state and local government employees who married in states that allow such marriages. In the other case, opponents are seeking to overturn an administrative order issued in 2006 by Andrew J. Spano, the Westchester County executive, directing county officials to recognize same-sex unions performed elsewhere.

If I could address these people, I would say, "you shouldn't be able to take away the rights of someone because the make you uncomfortable. I'm willing to bet people with histories of spousal abuse get married daily, that makes me uncomfortable."
Which brings me to this quote, I got a kick out of this one:
In 2006, the court ruled 4 to 2 that gay couples had no right to get married under existing state law or the State Constitution, holding that limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples was based on legitimate societal goals, primarily the protection and welfare of children.
Oh don't make me laugh. Show me statistics saying that children are more likely to be abused or develop a drug addiction if they have two moms, or two dads. Until then, suck it up. Everyone needs to stop trying to play God by controlling everyone else's rights. Sometimes I just lose faith in mankind's ability to make any logical sense.

But the issue with these cases is that businesses and local government would be told they have to look at out-of-state gay marriages as legitimate. Doesn't really seem like a problem to me, but I guess some people just can't stand people that aren't like them


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