Thursday, October 8, 2009

Retirement re-shmirement! Who needs it anyways...

Newsweek addresses something that I have been concerned about for quite awhile, social security, that is, retirement.
The Employee Benefit Research Institute estimates that "A couple retiring today would need to have $338,000 in reserve to be certain they could cover their medical costs..."
That is scary, because the biggest living generation right now is the one that is about to retire. So what happens?
There are plenty of people who are ready to retire well before they are 65, meaning they don't qualify for medicare, meaning they will pay for medical bills out of their pockets.
Citizens can no longer choose when to retire, because most will be forced to work until 65, it's really a sad fact.
The only thing that those who haven't retired can hope for is that their savings will cover them if they don't qualify for medicare. Unfortunately, there are so many pre-existing conditions that make you unqualified, its a gamble to see if they'll cover you.
All that I can say is that I am not sure what will happen, but if something doesn't happen with health care, a lot of people are in trouble.

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