Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Using Marijuana Legally Can Still Cost You Your Job

Joseph Casias is a resident of Michigan, where marijuana is legal. He developed cancer of the nasal cavity and began using medical marijuana as a pain reliever. He was an employee at Wal-Mart, but when he was drug tested and he didn't pass, he was fired.
"I was angry they did this to me because I always tried my best," said Casias, who was employed at Wal-Mart for five years. He earned an Associate of the Year award in 2008. "I want my job back. I thought I was part of the Wal-Mart family."
Joseph also says that he had never come to work high. I understand why this would be the case if marijuana was illegal, but it isn't. To me this is equivalent to firing someone over 21 who drinks on the weekends. They never show up to work drunk, and it doesn't impair their performance, so what is the problem?
I believe that Wal-Mart has questionable morals in the first place, but this is something that should be changed. Now is not an appropriate time to be firing people. Being fired for using marijuana is also going to hinder their ability to get another job if they have to say why they were fired from their last one.
Part of Michigan's law, passed in 2008, does address employers, saying a patient carrying a medical marijuana card cannot be "denied any right or privilege" by a "business or occupational or professional licensing board."
It clearly states that it is not legitimate to fire someone for legally using marijuana. I believe that Wal-Mart should either give Joseph his job back, or be sued, end of story.

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