Thursday, March 25, 2010

How to Outsmart O'Reilly

This is one of my favorite videos on the internet. You've got comedian Steven Colbert being interview by Bill O'Reilly. Bill O'Reilly is a conservative, and Colbert is liberal, but on his show and in the interview he plays a character that is a highly conservative republican. Steven doesn't even attack or mock O'Reilly, but rather effortlessly makes him look so ignorant. It is so clear here that Colbert is mocking O'Reilly, and O'Reilly just does not pick up on it. Colbert says "I want to bring your message of love and peace, which I understand that is your message, I want to bring the message of love and peace to a younger audience, people in their sixties, people in their fifties, people who don't watch your show." O'Reilly responds with "People in their fifties and sixties, too young for 'the Factor' are watching your show..." .And it seems that everyone gets it but O'Reilly, as you can hear people on the set laughing.

Now in this second video, you have John Stewart doing a straight interview with O'Reilly. He's giving very intelligent answers, and O'Reilly even says in response to one of his answers, "woah, that's way over my head!". Now, by giving legitimate analysis, he is able to have more of a conversation, but also it seems that he is more vulnerable to ad hominem attacks. This second video is less entertaining, but still very interesting.

What I gathered from watching these two videos and comparing them, is that if you want to make someone whom you know is stupid look stupid, then all you have to do is sit back and let them talk.

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