Monday, March 8, 2010

Good Enough for God, It's Good Enough for Palin!

I got a good laugh when I heard about Palin writing her talking points on her palm, but it really didn't seem like a big problem to me. I'd probably forget some stuff if I was under that much pressure to impress the nation to. But then, she said this:
"Hey, if it was good enough for god scribbling on the palm of his hand, its good enough for me".
My main problems with this statement are that:
1) God and Politics should be completely separate. Separation of church and state, for cryin' out loud. (She should've written that somewhere on herself). The fact that "god wrote on his hand" has nothing to do with her inability to remember what she wants to talk about.
2) She just compared herself to god. God wrote on his hands, so I can do it too, since me and god are pretty much the same.
I may be an atheist but seeing as Palin holds her God in pretty high regard, she should not have compared herself to him/her.

We are not a "Christian Nation", and it's slightly disturbing that some identify it as that. Personally, I'd vote that politicians shouldn't be allowed to use any reference to religion in there campaigns, end of story.

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