Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Teacher Calls Student Loser

A North Carolina public school teacher has been suspended for writing the word “loser” on a 6th grade student’s notebook. “He thought it was funny, the kids thought it was funny…our school district doesn’t think it’s funny,” said Jan Blunt, Communications Director for Buncombe County Schools.

I fully believe in teachers joking around with students, because most of my teachers are like that, and I have a good sense of humor. However, I think if a teacher is going to joke around with his or her students, they have to have a good sense of how far they can go without offending certain kids. The way it sounded to me from the video, the mom saw the comments, the child didn't complain about them. It's appropriate that they suspended the teacher because he had prior warnings, but I think firing the teacher would be too drastic of a move. It's unfortunate that he will have to censor himself around students.

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