Sunday, March 21, 2010

How Will This Law Affect You?

With the passage of the Health Care bill, many are likely wondering how it will affect them. Will the United States become a socialist nation with everything controlled by the government?! Despite what many conservatives are saying, that isn't the case.
But back to what will happen in regards to your health care:

-No Caps.
Previously, many health care plans had a cap, or a maximum amount you could spend in a year/in your lifetime before you had to start paying out-of-pocket. That won't happen anymore. This affects people with serious illnesses, as they will never be kicked out of treatment or go bankrupt because of their disease.
-Drug Discounts for Seniors
-No more being denied for pre-existing conditions (not effective immediately)
-Tax Breaks (amount would be determined on household income).

So those are a few of the things that we can expect in the immediate, and not so immediate future. Hopefully this bill will pull us out of some debt in the long run.

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