Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Virginians Vote Republican

The voting in the gubernatorial election of Virginia took place today. Many people say that they are voting republican because of Obama.  
Tim Kaine (D) four years ago but switched to Republican this year to cast a ballot for McDonnell. The reason? "Obama," he said. "I came to vote against the policies going on in Washington."
I hope that this man voted based on the policies of McDonnell, not the fact that McDonnell is a republican. I don't know how much the governor of Virginia will be able to change what Obama is doing federally, but it doesn't seem as if he would make a huge impact. 
The bottom line, people are angry that Obama has not made the changes he promised, and it isn't just in Virginia, it is everywhere. I can hardly believe it has been a year, since so little has been done. Maybe the  Virginian governor will provide the change everyone is seeking.


  1. Hey Ariel, you might want to take the whole Virginia sticking it to Obama think off of twitter. cuz the link doesn't go to this article. and... yeah...

  2. it doesn't? thanks Adam, i'll check it out.
