Monday, November 2, 2009

Abortion: Should the Government Fund It?

One of the major disputes in the health care bill debate right now is the issue of abortion. The fight is to decide whether abortion should be covered by government health care programs or not.
I believe that they should, personally. Without a doubt, it seems like it would be covered for rape victims or other serious situations, but I think it should be covered in general.
That is simply my opinion, because I am highly pro-choice. Sometimes it seems as if people against abortion think that having it covered by the government will increase the amount of abortions people get. That isn't neccesarily true, because if a girl went to planned parenthood, she could get an abortion for no charge and not have to tell anyone else about it.
This issue seems the same as gay marriage to me, because it is an issue based on personal belief or religion. I once heard someone in my English class say "people who have no morals, like people who get abortions...". This person obviously wouldn't support government coverage of abortions. Either way, a decision has to be made, and my opinion is pro-choice.

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