Saturday, August 29, 2009

"Next thing you know, dogs will be able to adopt kids!"

this post was brought on by the reading of this article on same sex adoptions in uruguay
I feel so strongly about it, and figured I would bring it up eventually, might as well put down how I feel about the whole same sex marriage/adoption thing.
  • There is nothing to lead anyone to believe that same-sex couples cannot raise a child correctly. I know some kids who probably would've been better off with two moms or two dads.
  • separation of church and state. marriage is a RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION. someone remind me when it was okay for the government to decide what a church can do.
  • there are probably pastors who will marry same-sex couples, well good! why is california trying to say whether they are allowed to or not?! 
  • civil unions should have the same rights that married couples have. i know that non-religious people get married all the time... 
  • and to those people who think that if we allow same sex marriage then the next thing will be people allowed to marry goats.... do you have no brain in that skull?! animals cant talk! animals are a difference species! animals are animals for god sake! it is completely different! I once had someone try and tell me that it wasn't different and I almost exploded from the unlogical assumptions they were making. ahem, no offense to anyone...
so there you go. my basic viewpoint on prop 8 is that it shouldn't exist because it isn't up to the state or country to decide.
I completely respect people who don't think same-sex couples should be together. In fact, my uncle told my cousins they couldn't read Harry Potter because the author announced that Dumbledore was gay. So I really have no problem with any viewpoint, i just despise the government for getting involved where they shouldn't.

Here is a Satirical Comic for you all...

So... about those Nukes...

Hurray for... mutually assured destruction?
Oh come on guys, not nukes again!
Basically this Pakistani scientist was sentenced to house arrest and some other restrictions because he was givin' nukes away like hot cakes to other countries (Iran, North Korea, Libya...). But they just recently lifted those restrictions. So this is a potential, "uh-oh".

I feel like the entire concept of atomic and nuclear weapons o' mass destruction is ridiculous.
They're not for protecting your country, they're for waltzing around the globe thinking "Yeah well,  I'm not going to blow you up, but I could if I wanted".

I believe in the concept of mutually assured destruction. 
We send a nuke over there
they send one back
boom!..boom..boom..boom... end of the world.
I don't believe weapons that destructive should be made, much less tested, and MUCH less used in warfare.

in case you forgot what it looks like...
Come on fellas, can't we just stick with our muskets?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

i love the smell of irony in the morning

It isn't as if the guy could really help it; some guy stole Ben's wife's purse and tried to write checks.
And my family having had money stolen from us, i know it isn't a joke...
but still, its deliciously ironic that the most powerful central banker in the u.s. would end up having such a common crime involving money theft happen to him.

well i hope he gets his money back anyways.
and i especially hope his wife gets her purse back.

Original Auschwitz Blueprints Found

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and "Bild" newspaper editor Kai Diekkmann

"There are those who deny that the Holocaust happened," Benjamin Netanyahu said as he accepted the documents as a gift to Israel's Holocaust memorial, where they will go on display next year.
"Let them come to Jerusalem and look at these plans, these plans for the factory of death."

And I suppose it's better. I can't stand when people claim that the holocaust was a hoax.
oh really, good sir, then what were all those corpses from?
but seriously;
I have always contemplated that important historical events could be hoaxes, but the evidence was far too convincing, gruesome, and real for me to consider it for this one.

"These plans have an important function — they remind us of a crime that, with the passing of time, seems ever more incomprehensible," Diekmann said. "It is of the utmost importance to continue to be reminded of it."

okay, that is all well and good, but then i read that.
remind us?
and its of the utmost importance for us to be reminded?
alright. sure guys. anyone remember that whole "Never Again" thing? that campaign saying they
couldn't let genocide happen again.
ahem, ahem, D
excuse me, i said D
in D
arfur people are being killed, innocent people, chosen because of something physical, not personal.
i suppose the only reason that those "never again" folks could say its not genocide is because it isn't organized, but carried out by rebels and citizens roaming the streets with guns.
its not in camps, so it
isn't serious? is that what this is?

in fact i searched genocide in D
arfur and the first page was wikipedia.
okay i will be honest, I
don't know a lot of details about Darfur, but i know people are being killed by the hundreds.
it sounds an awful lot like genocide to me.

i know that the united states is most likely worried about getting involved with other peoples affairs.
hah. "affairs".
but maybe the people saying "never again" should look south east and acknowledging that its happening right now.

I'm not ignorant to the fact that people are trying to help:
genocide intervention
world vision
crisis group

but when people say things like this:
"We cannot allow those who wish to perpetrate mass death, those who call for the destruction of the Jewish people or the Jewish state to go unchallenged," Netanyahu said.

They're saying that those who want to end the existence of
Jewish people should be challenged, i agree.
isn't it just as important to save others as well?

(Full Article Here on
Auschwitz plans)