Just let it be known I have nothing against Christianity or those who follow it, but sometimes people say the most ignorant things while trying to defend their beliefs. Anyway, I enjoy videos poking fun at Fundamentalists.
This could be offensive to some, I apologize.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Update on Iran's Nuclear Plants
A nuclear power plant in Iran
The US Senate has backed legislation allowing President Barack Obama to extend sanctions against Iran.It would seem Obama is becoming frustrated with Iran's unwillingness to cooperate concerning their nuclear weapon plants.
The US and its allies fear Iran is attempting to develop nuclear weapons. Iran insists its nuclear programme is entirely peaceful.To be honest, I have a hard time believing this considering that Iran hid the power plants from everyone. Why do this if your intentions are not to harm anyone?
I'm not sure I agree with the sanctions however, I'm not sure how much would be solved. Also, I feel that this goes against what Obama said in the national address. He was talking about increasing exports, but this is going in the opposite direction.
There have been three rounds of UN sanctions against Iran and the US and its allies on the Security Council have been pushing for a fourth.
Considering the neutral effect of these sanctions, I'm not sure they're really worth the effort, when other legislation should be getting considered instead.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Obama's State of the Union Address Holds Many Promises
Obama was really stressing the importance of creating jobs, and at the same time creating some sort of legislation to slow our negative impact on the environment. He suggested something that I think is a wonderful idea, giving tax cuts to those who use energy efficient products in their homes.
Obama also seemed really big on helping out the little businesses.
"I'm proposing that we take $30 billion of the money Wall Street banks have repaid and use it to help community banks give small businesses the credit they need to stay afloat. I am also proposing a new small business tax credit -- one that will go to over one million small businesses who hire new workers or raise wages. While we're at it, let's also eliminate all capital gains taxes on small business investment; and provide a tax incentive for all businesses, large and small, to invest in new plants and equipment."
Obama announced that a high speed railroad is going to go into construction in Florida, something other countries did years ago. And speaking of other countries, Obama is going to find a way to increase our exports and give more money to businesses located in the United States.
Witty as usual, Obama says:
Obama was urging congress to get some type of health care reform passed, and saying he'd send it back if it wasn't good."By now it should be fairly obvious that I didn't take on health care because it was good politics"
And lastly, Obama once again said he was going to end "don't ask, don't tell".
Personally I like the close-ups of the military generals at the end of that clip.
There are a lot more things that Obama promised, but let's see how much he can really get done. I'm ready for change.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Homeless citizens wait outside a homeless shelter
Having worked with many people who just left homeless shelters in my community service, I have noticed how hard it is for many who don't have a place to live.
This article on CNN advises readers on what to do if they see someone who appears to be homeless in a hostile situation, or if they clearly need medical attention. They say that most major cities such as San Francisco and New York have hotlines you can call. Otherwise to just call the police.
Also, when you see a homeless person asking for money:
"We don't really promote giving people cash money," said Deronda Metz, director of social services for the Salvation Army of Charlotte, North Carolina. "If you have a blanket, that would be great. If you have food to give, that would be double good. We don't promote giving people a ride."For more information on what you should and shouldn't do, check out the full article.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Introduction to Community Service
This Christmas was undoubtedly really tough for a lot of families. Although many families are better off this year than they were last year, it is still a struggle. For my community service I wanted to help bring Christmas families who couldn't afford it. Every year, my parents and many of their friends help put on Operation E.L.F., an event that takes donated toys, clothing, appliances, and much more to give to families in need.
A couple days before Christmas, the event is held, usually in a highschool gymnasium. There are families of all sizes that sign up for this program, and a group of about two or more people will get presents for a particular family. After the event, you personally deliver the presents to the families houses.
The event this year was a huge success and I have always participated and will continue to do so.
Mental Health B-B-B-B-Break
It's Thursday, and I would like it to be Friday. So how about a mental health break...
Nothing like a man competing with a small child to cheer me up.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Don't get Pregnant... Or Else!
There's a new law in the military which basically says that a soldier will be discharged for becoming pregnant or getting another soldier pregnant.

While I completely understand why you wouldn't want your soldiers getting pregnant, it seems irrational that they should be discharged without pay. The rule is supposed to make soldier's "think before they act", but I'm sure no one intends on getting pregnant or getting someone else pregnant.
Right, Maj. Gen. Anthony Cucolo who issued the order.
To date... there have been eight cases of women getting pregnant while deployed under his command.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Bombing Suspect- a Threat not on the No-Fly List
It is a big story lately that there was an attempted plane bombing on Christmas day in the United States. What's very interesting to me is that this boy wasn't an uneducated person whose life was dedicated to religion completely, he graduated high school and even entered business school.
Another thing that is very interesting is the fact that this man wasn't on the "no-fly" list, even though his father told the U.S. embassy he might be a threat. However, seemingly harmless or innocent people are placed on that list all of the time. Perhaps the United States department of Homeland security needs to get their priorities straight, it could save lives.
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